
Atacama Desert Chile. Posted by

Atacama Desert Plants Can Help us Grow Crops Resilient to Climate Change

Plants from Atacama Desert Can Help Grow Crops Resilient to Climate Change. A new study reveals genetic advantages that can be used to breed crops.

New species from the Amazon basin Peru Aenigmanu alvareziae. Source: William Wayt Thomas et al. Aenigmanu, a new genus of Picramniaceae from Western Amazonia

This Unusual Plant from the Amazon Has Remained Unidentified since 1973

Unusual Plant from the Amazon Has Remained Unidentified since 1973 and has now been identified as a new species by the name Aenigmanu alvareziae

Ramari's beaked whale, Mesoplodon eueu.

New Species of Beaked Whale Found

New Species of Beaked Whale Found in the Southern Hemisphere. It has been named by an indigenous woman who helped with the discovery.

Amorphophallus decus-silvae. It's related to the famous Amorphophallus titanum and, like its cousin, is found in Southeast Asian rainforests. Both species emit a foul odour when they bloom (attracting flies and other pollinators). Image: Hortus Botanicus, Leiden.

Penis Plant Blooms

Penis Plant Blooms in A Botanical Garden in the Dutch city of Leiden. It is related to the Corpse Flower and blooms every 10 years.

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui on a purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea in Belgium. 360 on History

Painted Lady butterfly populations see a boom in Europe when it rains in Africa

Painted Lady populations see a boom in Europe when it rains in Africa says to a new study. This means climate change in Africa can impact their numbers.

Bee in yellow poppy by

Are these bees actually unscrewing a soda bottle?

  We know that bees are extremely clever. They have excellent communication skills, can do arithmatic, and some even use tools to protect their hives. To this can be added something else. A video...

Grimpoteuthis imperator dumbo octopus recently discovered at Emperor Seamounts in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Image: Alexander Ziegler

Cuteness Alert! New Species of Dumbo Octopus Identified

For the first time, biologists at the University of Bonn in Germany have identified a new species of Dumbo octopus called, Grimpoteuthis imperator, by using non-invasive methods.

These Microbes were Unknown to Science – Then They Were Found on the Space Station

Four species of bacteria were discovered living happily on the International Space Station (ISS) - and three of them are new to science! They were discovered by scientists from the US and India, worki...

Amazon Moonflower blooming at Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Timelapse video showing beautiful Moonflower Cactus blooming

This is a Timelapse video showing the beautiful Moonflower Cactus blooming. The planet is from the Amazon rainforest and blooms once a year.