
Ruth Belville 1908

Podcast Episode 75 l The Greenwich Time Lady

In late 19th-century and early 20th-century Britain, time itself was a commodity up for sale. In a world before smartphones and atomic clocks, a remarkable woman known as Ruth Belville sold time to t...

Ruth Belville outside the gates of the Greenwich Observatory, 1908

The Greenwich Time Lady: How Ruth Belville Sold Time in Victorian London

Ruth Belville was called the Greenwich Time Lady because she Sold Time in Victorian London using her trusted chronometer Arnold. She synchronised her watch with GMT at Greenwich and then went around t...

Sopdet and Sahu (Sirius and Orion) shown in the left and right-hand boats, respectively, from the East Osiris Chapel on the roof of the temple in Dendera. (Sarah Symons)

The origin of the hour is because of the Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians measured the first hour, and changed how we related to time.